Friday, July 6, 2012

For the Idol Fans ~ An Oldie ~ James Durbin 5/14/2011 Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk

Did I not give this post the longest title ever? Oh well, it almost describes everything.....
So, who is an American Idol fan? Gawd, I don't even know what season they're on. I quit watching this past season when Deandre was kicked off but I was glad to see Phillip win. Okay, back on subject.....remember when James was voted off just before the final three? He wasn't going to be able to have his hometown concert but they had made an exception for James because Santa Cruz had so much invested in it. I don't believe they aired it on AI but that's okay because we all had FUN! There is nothing quite like live music on the Boardwalk.

James Durbin in Santa Cruz, CA

Waaaay up there on the street was the parade.....

James Durbin in Santa Cruz, CA

.....and the procession toward the stage.....

James Durbin in Santa Cruz, CA

James Durbin in Santa Cruz, CA

.....with the fam.....

James Durbin in Santa Cruz, CA  

.....their baby was at Heidi's feet in a stroller.....

James Durbin in Santa Cruz, CA

James Durbin in Santa Cruz, CA

Do you SEE that dude on top of the roller coaster? The Big Dipper is a super awesome roller coaster but you wouldn't find me standing on top of it taking photos!

James Durbin in Santa Cruz, CA

I have no idea who these girls are but I thought they were adorable.

James Durbin in Santa Cruz, CA

James Durbin in Santa Cruz, CA

Ya, I know James isn't country but "metal" (I say this with quotations because I have his album and I would not describe it as metal) can be cool too.


  1. do you konw that day i was at this too and he called me on sag and i was crying for him and he say to me wthat is my name and i say my name to him and i say ti is Marissa Erickson and he konws me and he konws my Flamy and i konw his Flamy from his hrat and my hart and i just love this one


Give us some stalker luv!!