Sunday, June 24, 2012

Frankie Ballard and Steve Holy 9/14/2011 Part One....

I know, it seems like Chevon and I only go to Steve Holy concerts. Not true! (Well, maybe lately it might be a little bit true)
Personally, I came to this show to see Frankie, Steve was a bonus. He came to the Rodeo Club after playing the Santa Cruz County Fair. I would say that was pretty cool.... two sets in one night. That way I didn't have to choose ;-)

Here are Steve and Frankie. One of my all-time favorite stalker photos.

Steve Holy and Frankie Ballard

Frankie played (and drank) first:

Frankie Ballard

Frankie Ballard

Frankie Ballard

Frankie Ballard

Frankie Ballard

Okay, who has a "free pass" agreement with their significant other?

Frankie Ballard

Frankie is my free pass. Whad'ya say, Frankie?

Frankie Ballard

Oh, yeah....... ~ Stalker Christine

As always, there are lots more photos on our Google + page.

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