Steve was one of many acts at the
Orangevale Country Music Festival. I'll say this: the entertainment at this festival was outstanding. The venue, not so much. It was close to 100 degrees that day, the performers were facing the blazing sun, there was no shade for anyone (nor was anyone allowed to bring their own), except for a few trees outlining the park and no in and out privileges. Oh, and one bottle of water allowed per person. If their website had stated this clearly, we would have each brought a gallon bottle. As it was, we had to sneak water into every crevice we could find. I felt like a drug runner, lol! Okay, enough about the crappy venue. Here is Steve!
Steve Holy |
Adam Ricker |
Steve Holy |
Steve Holy |
Steve Holy |
Adam Ricker |
Steve Holy |
Poor Steve, it was so hot up there.....
Steve Holy |
Steve Holy |
Steve Holy |
Adam Ricker |
Steve Holy |
Steve Holy |
Steve Holy |
Steve Holy |
Steve Holy |
Here is Adam getting funky!
Steve Holy |
Steve Holy |
Steve giving Adam a good natured (much deserved?) butt slap.
Steve Holy |
Steve Holy |